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Free video webinar “Legal and Risk Issues for Appraisers Stemming from the COVID-19 Crisis.” Scheduled for March 24, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. Pacific. Please note that the webinar also will be recorded. A few hours after the live presentation, the recording links and materials will be available here. (Live participation in the webinar may run into my maximum Zoom capacity; if you are unable to watch live, you can later watch the recording at your convenience.)

The COVID-19 crisis is having significant impacts on real estate appraisal activities and on the professionals and businesses who deliver the services. While health and safety are the foremost concerns, I have scheduled this free Zoom video webinar to address some of the many legal, risk and personal planning questions that I am receiving in relation to COVID-19 legal matters. My focus is primarily appraisers, firms and AMCs doing business in California and Washington – but anyone is welcome to participate.

With respect to the issue of inspections for appraisals specifically and other activities involving leaving an individual’s home, I want to be clear: I am not encouraging anyone to defy orders regarding “shelter in place.” Moreover, within the next week or so, the inspection element of appraisal assignments as a lender requirement for many appraisals will likely disappear in its current form, as the GSEs and regulators begin to act.

In this webinar, I’ll cover COVID-19 legal and risk issues in relation to: 

  • Conducting appraisal work and business (particularly in light of the various “shelter-in-place” orders, including Governor Newsom’s state-wide March 19 “safe at home” order).
  • Suggested language to consider including in appraisal reports (specific language is actually less of a concern than you might be worrying about).
  • Concerns about future liability in relation to appraisal work generally (this is my greater concern).
  • Insurance issues and potential insurance coverage for business losses.
  • And, the relevance of California’s AB 5 – yes, it’s relevant.
  • I plan to end with information about basic personal legal planning (such as personal medical directives) because the crisis does provide perspective on the need for these items in our lives in general.

Registration is free and only requires your name and email.

Thank you, Peter Christensen

Categories: Webinar

Peter Christensen

I am an attorney. The matters that I handle and the clients whom I serve are focused on valuation services. My work ranges from the regulatory and structural details of providing valuation services to professional liability and disciplinary issues.