Note: Readers can now find cases, laws and articles relating to appraiser independent contractor classification in the “AB 5 Center.”

California’s AB 5 and the ABC test are creating new challenges for the retention of appraisers as independent contractors by appraisal management companies (AMCs) and appraisal firms. I don’t expect that AMCs with California appraisers on their panels will abandon that business model in our state, but they definitely need to prepare and start addressing issues in their present contractor agreements, on websites and in certain business practices in California. As the issues develop for AMCs and similar businesses, I have focused a section of my website on information relating to appraisers as independent contractors under AB 5 and the ABC test. It’s creatively called the “AB 5 Center.”

Image of AB 5 Center on that shows text of AB 5, key cases, articles and presentations.

In the AB 5 Center, you will find:

  • The full text of AB 5 with highlighting of the sections most relevant to classifying appraisers as independent contractors and to the consideration of real estate agents and brokers who may perform BPOs and evaluations.
  • The basic cases for understanding classification of appraisers (and agents and brokers) under California law and the risk faced from reclassification litigation.
  • Articles and posts specific to considering appraisers under AB 5.
  • Materials from recent presentations for Appraisal Summit, Valuation Expo, REVAA and the Collateral Risk Network.

I will be updating the information regularly.

– Peter Christensen, Christensen Law Firm

Peter Christensen

I am an attorney. The matters that I handle and the clients whom I serve are focused on valuation services. My work ranges from the regulatory and structural details of providing valuation services to professional liability and disciplinary issues.